Affordable Housing
A Place Called Home for Everyone
Our work is to create and provide opportunities for affordable housing for low-income and formerly homeless San Franciscans through planning, advocacy and providing technical affordable housing development assistance. To learn more about this work, please visit our Treasure Island Development page.
We also work with a variety of housing and service providers to support existing Treasure Island Residents. Please note that One Treasure Island does not provide housing directly; rather, individuals and families are provided housing and services directly through the following Member Agencies Partners.
One Treasure Island residents can find contact information for these different agencies, below.
On-Island Affordable Housing Partners
Provides permanent housing and support services for families selected from the Department of Human Services Shelter+Care list.
Bayview Access Point
1641 LaSalle Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
Contact: (415) 430-6320
Central City Access Point
995 Market Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Contact: (415) 644-0504
HealthRIGHT 360 gives hope, builds health, and changes lives for people in need. They do this by providing compassionate, integrated care that includes primary medical, mental health, and substance use disorder treatment.
Contact: (415) 762-3700
Provides permanent supportive housing for Veterans; for information about the permanent Housing Program at Treasure Island.
Contact: (415) 834-0341
Mercy Housing
Provides property management services to residents who live in Starview Courts.
Contact: starview@mercyhousing.org
Provides permanent housing and employment training for formerly homeless families selected from the Homeless Family Waiting List administered by the San Francisco Housing Authority.
Main Office: (415) 929-2470 .
Questions regarding housing: (415) 252-3232
Chinatown Community Development Center
The CCDC Resident Services Office can be contacted below.
810 Battery Street, Mailbox B114
San Francisco CA 94111
Contact: (415) 984-1450
Additional Resources
Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco
General Information for individuals wanting to be placed on, or are already on SF Housing waiting lists.
Contact: (415) 554-1200 or (415) 554-1259
An easy-to-remember phone number that helps San Francisco and Marin residents easily connect with the health and human services they need. 2-1-1 is free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in over 150 languages.
Dial: 211
Every Day Connect - Project Homeless Connect
Every Day Connect (EDC) provides Information and support in navigating San Francisco resources. Staff will respond to voicemail messages left during their open hours, or no later than the next day if closed when you call. A calendar of their services is available here.
Help-line: (855) 588-7968
Email: edc@projecthomelessconnect.org
Address: 25 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103.